The Wine Kone - ur realy hott

my life is lonely       
my lif is sad
i saw the girlfriend       
i'll never have

she smiled at me in her photo
maybe itwas for her cam
but i wont lose no sleep on that
cuz ive got my hand

ur rly hott. ur really hot
youre realy hott, its tru
i saw your face in cyberspace
and you have fantastic boobs
and i want to see you n00d

yea she caught my eye
while surfing online
i could see from myspace that she was
probly bi
and that made me like her oh so much more
thats when i wanted to make her my little wh0re

your realy hot ur realy hot
ur rly hott, its true

i saw your face in cyberspace
and i dont know about u
but i think that we should screw

ur raelly hot, youre realy hott
ur really hottt, it's truue

you make me want to do bad things to yur face
i realy think that i should be with you

but it's time to face the truth
i will never get with u

歌詞真是笑死我了......................but it's really touching!!
網路無國界, 連台灣這麼小, 玩個相簿還是交友就可以讓無數人著迷,
別說有機會搭訕還是遇到, 茫茫網海能看到對方的blog都可以算是有緣了

我相信人與人的相遇都是有意義的, 地球可是有64億人的!
good job Wine Kone! Simply brilliant!!

The Wine Kone@MySpace

    創作者 elvis2009 的頭像

    ‧Elvis′ blog! (°ω°)

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